"We went to one village, a Muslim village to show the Jesus movie. It would have been about 19:30hrs by the time we had set up, so very dark. People stood or sat for miles for the length of the movie, about two and a half hours it was. After the movie had finished salvation and prayer for healing was offered for those who wanted. It was amazing to see how many came forward, bodies surrounded us, you could see in their faces how desperate they were for us to pray for them. We began by praying for salvation and then prayed for them all as a group for healing. They placed their hands on the parts of their body that they felt pain, that they wanted healing for and prayed with us through a translator for full healing in the name of Jesus. We followed this by asking them to jump up and down to see if they still had any pain, most had been healed, the amazment in their faces - they gleemed with joy and excitement. Following this all that were still in pain and were sick we asked to come forward and we prayed with them individually.
One particular lady came forward, Charles (our interpretor, team member and friend) Laura and myself, prayed with her. This lady I had seen struggling before we began to pray, she could hardly walk trough her pain, she was limping - her left side weaker than her right, you could see the pain in her face, yet she still managed to break through with a smile as she looked to you. We prayed with her while she sat on the floor, when we asked, she states that nothing had changed, that she couldn't feel her legs and that the pain was still there. We asked Charles to see if she had seen the witch doctors (as many had) and that if she had, for him to talk her through a prayer to repent of this. Charles did this with the lady and after we continued to pray. This time we could see things happening. As we were praying again, the lady began rubbing her legs stating that she had tingling in them and that she could feel them. We continued praying for a full recovery and asked the lady if she had any further pain. She said no and stood to her feet. She was walking without a limp. Her face lit up. She spoke over the microphone, stating that she didn't think that anything would happen, that she didn't believe and now look at her. She started to walk up and down, limp free, getting faster, she ran on the spot, Praising God as she went and then jumping up and down full of laughter, shouting that she no longer had any pain.
It was so amazing to see... Praise God for he is awesome, always!!"
Added by Charlie Woolsey
"When we went to the villages around Lake Chuita, at the second village we went to, the morning after we showed the Jesus movie, we went to visit people at their homes. My group came to a lady’s house who was very welcoming and we started to chat. However not long after we arrived a neighbour came to the front of the house, where we were sitting and told the lady her son was vomiting in her back yard. We went to see and the lady explained how the boy had been sick during the night with a high fever (common signs of malaria). So we prayed for the boy and the fever left him and his stomach had no more pain. When we had finished praying for him we could feel he was a lot cooler than when we started and when we had finished talking at the house he was playing his brothers and was completely fine.
We carried on talking to the mother who had a lot of prayer requests, she received healing from a chest pain and also came to the point to forgive her brother. We are believing for their whole family to be restored as this is God’s heart as well. During our conversations another man came by and recognised us as the people who showed the Jesus movie. He had heard of the healings that had happen when we prayed for people and wanted us to go to his house, to pray for him as he was also sick. (We had a few people come to where we were staying, asking us to pray for their loved ones who were sick, as testimonies had been spreading through out the town) When we had finished at the lady’s house we went to the man’s house who had asked us to come and he was also fully healed from his fever and stomach pains.
At the first village, we went to we went to a Sunday service and took part with drama and dance. At the end of the service we prayed for people who had prayer requests. Among those who I prayed for their was a lady with chest pains and she was healed completely, but what I remember most is; when I told her how much God loves her and gave her a hug, she was completely overwhelmed and so thankful for the love shown just through a simple hug and through us going to be with them in their tiny village. And that’s just amazing how much a simple act of love can mean so much :)"
Added by Laura Bridges