"The AIDs Pandemic has left millions of children orphaned in sub-Saharan Africa, there are hundreds of thousands in Malawi . We have learned that those hundreds of thousands have names and faces. We can not care for the hundreds of thousands but we can care for the ones our heavenly Father gives us. What fatherless children need is spiritual fathers and mothers and we have our heavenly father’s heart in us. This is what the bible meant when it said “God puts the fatherless together in families”. Our call is to support orphanages and orphans being cared for in the communities by well wishers.
Murals painted by visiting teams and the first of the new beds
Our great joy is to support African nations, who have from the overflow of Christ’s love in them, have taken in orphans but need help to care for them. We have a special link with Maoni orphanage in
Daniel Dugmore YWAM Malawi Base Leader
Taking some of the girls at the orphanage out for pink ice cream