Sunday, 20 February 2011

Less than a week to go!

Praise God we have now booked flights for the whole team and are counting down the days till we go :)
We have raised all the money we need for painting the orphanage and for our stay there... so we are all excited to be getting out there and meeting the children and the people of Blantyre :)

Please keep up with the prayers they are really felt and much appreciated.  Without them and our amazing God we would never have made it this far!

We look forward to updating you from Malawi!!

Love and Blessings to you all
The Mission Malawi Team x

Fundraising Updates...

As a team we would like to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who has supported us as we prepare to go to Malawi.  Our last weekend of fundraising went so well! We raised over £1000!! Praise God!! This was through our last market stall in Spalding and donations given to us over the weekend. So again a MASSIVE thank you to everyone who has helped us and Thank You God for showing your faithfulness to us.  Over all we have raised over £1800!!

Below are listed the winners of the Sweets in a Jar competition and the Treasure Map winners:

Sweets in a Jar...
Total number of sweets in the jar - 285
Winner: Joanne Kirlew from Pinchbeck

Treasure Map Winners...

Square No. 43 - Jewellery Item
Gill Williams

Square No. 78 - Lazer Quest Vouchers
Square No. 10 - Playbarn Vouchers
Joshua Norey

Square No. 57 - Image Voucher
Rachel Wilson 
Square No. 65 - Turners Voucher
Jasmine North
Square No. 45 - Renaissance Voucher
K. Kettle

Square No. 68 - Jewellery Item
Lorraine Topham

Square No. 6 - Flowers and Things

Square No. 66 - Amici Voucher
Mark Hamblin

Square No. 98 - Jewellery Item
Ann Jones

Square No. 84 - Jewellery Item
Alice Braybrook

Square No. 27 - Amici Voucher
Denis Egan

Square No. 31 - Hedonism Voucher
Zoe and Paul Coleman


Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Keep Us on the Move! Keep Our Peddles moving!

Latest fundraiser: 7 hours cycle at Rainbow food store, Bourne.
Saturday 5th February
10am - 5pm on a constant cycle as a group