As a team we would like to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who has supported us as we prepare to go to Malawi. Our last weekend of fundraising went so well! We raised over £1000!! Praise God!! This was through our last market stall in Spalding and donations given to us over the weekend. So again a MASSIVE thank you to everyone who has helped us and Thank You God for showing your faithfulness to us. Over all we have raised over £1800!!
Below are listed the winners of the Sweets in a Jar competition and the Treasure Map winners:
Sweets in a Jar...
Total number of sweets in the jar - 285
Winner: Joanne Kirlew from Pinchbeck
Treasure Map Winners...
Square No. 43 - Jewellery Item
Gill Williams
Square No. 78 - Lazer Quest Vouchers
Square No. 10 - Playbarn Vouchers
Joshua Norey
Square No. 57 - Image Voucher
Rachel Wilson
Square No. 65 - Turners Voucher
Jasmine North
Square No. 45 - Renaissance Voucher
K. Kettle
Square No. 68 - Jewellery Item
Square No. 6 - Flowers and Things
Square No. 66 - Amici Voucher
Mark Hamblin
Square No. 98 - Jewellery Item
Ann Jones
Square No. 84 - Jewellery Item
Alice Braybrook
Square No. 27 - Amici Voucher
Denis Egan
Square No. 31 - Hedonism Voucher
Zoe and Paul Coleman